Centre for
Environmental sciences
Wageningen UR


Overview Lectures

Lectures Remote Sensing Basics

At Wageningen University  the Centre for Geo-Information gives an introductory remote sensing course. At Wageningen University this is a course of 4 credit points, consisting partly of lectures and partly of practical exercises (called Remote Sensing Basics, K075-218). Since 1999 the lectures are also available through Internet. Practicals will not be made available in this way. At this moment, on the Internet version a lecture on the physics of remote sensing and special lectures on microwave remote sensing are still missing. The internet version is intended as a back-up for live lectures, to catch up with a missed lecture by a student, to have the possibility of repetition of a lecture, and for distance learning activities.

This course offers an introduction to the comprehensive field of Remote Sensing. It is directed at providing a basic knowledge of Remote Sensing concepts and methods (recording techniques in the optical and microwave region, image construction, analogue and digital image analysis and pattern recognition, geometric and cartographic aspects and the relationship with GIS) and of the possibilities and limitations of Remote Sensing from aeroplanes and satellites as a source of information for the inventory, monitoring and policy making in the fields of agriculture, forestry, land use, agrohydrology, nature conservation and environmental control. Handling Remote Sensing data yourself is central in the practical part of the course.

As a textbook to this course the book "Land Observation by Remote sensing, theory and applications" of Buiten H.J. and Clevers J.P.G.W. (eds), 1993, published by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, ISBN 2-88124-940-X, or the Dutch edition of 1990, only available as syllabus under university store number CM 06191809. During the lectures reference will be made to this textbook.

Questions concerning the theory that is been dealt with can be forwarded to Dr. Jan Clevers at the Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and remote Sensing of Wageningen University in The Netherlands,

E-mail: jan.clevers@staff.girs.wag-ur.nl

May 2000

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