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This page provides information, documentation and access to the Santa Barbara urban spectral library. The library was acquired in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, California, between the years 1999 and 2004. The study region consists of a large diversity of surface types with different geometry, conditions, and age. The spectra were acquired with an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) Full Range spectrometer (350-2400 nm) and with the Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS).

Three components of the library are available for download:

1) Asphalt road spectral library from ASD ground measurements acquired 2004

2) Spectra from research publications of ASD/ AVIRIS measurements acquired 2000/2001

3) Example spectra from an AVIRIS mapping campaign acquired (1999)

The spectral library was developed in cooperation and with funding from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the US Department of Transportation to gain generic understanding about the spectral properties of urban materials and land cover types with special focus on road surfaces and roofs. It should support remote sensing researchers, mapping and transportation scientist and others in their study of urban surface conditions and foster the successful application of imaging spectrometry and other remote sensing techniques for urban mapping.

by Martin Herold, NCRST, University of California Santa Barbara, June 2004

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